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Rice Lake, 82658 ASTM Class 3 Screw Knob SST Polished Density 7.95 Weight Kit 1/8 oz

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Rice Lake, 82658 ASTM Class 3 Screw Knob SST Polished Density 7.95 Weight Kit 1/8 oz

1/8 oz Weight
Rice Lake, 82658 ASTM Class 3 Screw Knob SST Polished Density 7.95 Weight Kit 1/8 oz

Price: $92.00

Available to Ship

Optional Accessories

View Features

Rice Lake
SKU: 82658


Kit Includes
  • Weight Gloves,Cloth White
  • Weight,Screw Knob ASTM Class 2 SST Polished Density 7.95
  • Label,Precision Balance Adhesive 1
  • Weight Case ASTM Polished Screw Knob

Weight: 1.00 lb
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Rice Lake, 82652 ASTM Class 3 Screw Knob SST Polished Density 7.95 Weight Kit 0.02 lb $96.00
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Rice Lake, 82661 ASTM Class 3 Screw Knob SST Polished Density 7.95 Weight Kit 1 oz $92.00
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Rice Lake, 82660 ASTM Class 3 Screw Knob SST Polished Density 7.95 Weight Kit 1/2 oz $92.00
Rice Lake, 82659 ASTM Class 3 Screw Knob SST Polished Density 7.95 Weight Kit 1/4 oz $92.00
Rice Lake, 82658 ASTM Class 3 Screw Knob SST Polished Density 7.95 Weight Kit 1/8 oz $92.00
Rice Lake, 82662 ASTM Class 3 Screw Knob SST Polished Density 7.95 Weight Kit 2 oz $108.00
Rice Lake, 82663 ASTM Class 3 Screw Knob SST Polished Density 7.95 Weight Kit 4oz $128.00
Rice Lake, 82668 ASTM Class 3 Screw Knob SST Polished Density 7.95 Weight Kit 8 oz $224.00

Optional Accessories

Rice Lake 36092 Statement of Accuracy
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Rice Lake 36092 Statement of Accuracy

Rice Lake Weights Certificate of Accuracy, Accessories
A customer requesting a Statement of Accuracy needs proof that the nominal values represented by the mass in question have been designed and manufactured within exact specifications.
The Statement of Accuracy provides just such a document when and where traceability to NIST or an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited certificate of calibration is not a concern. The Statement of Accuracy is the least comprehensive documentation offered by Rice Lake Weighing Systems. Check your internal policies and procedures to determine what type of documentation you require and thoroughly review the Certificate of Weight Calibration, accredited and non-accredited, options prior to selecting laboratory documentation.
The Statement of Accuracy includes the following information:
  • Name and address of company that items are shipped to
  • Name and address of company that items were sold to
  • Part number
  • Description/Serial number
  • Maximum permissible error for the specific accuracy class
  • Name and address of the company that adjusted the weights
Only applicable to new weights. Not a Legal for Trade or traceable document
Rice Lake 11714 White Cotton Weight Handling Gloves
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Rice Lake 11714 White Cotton Weight Handling Gloves

  • Essential tool for proper weight-handling
  • Proper protection for preventing hand residue
  • Residue can throw off a weight’s calibration and certification for accuracy
  • Rice Lake recommends using cotton gloves to handle all precision weights
Rice Lake, 50038 Optional Vial,Low Density Polyethylene Snap Cap 3/4 ODx 1 High
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Rice Lake, 50038 Optional Vial,Low Density Polyethylene Snap Cap 3/4 ODx 1 High
Rice Lake 11711 Plastic Weight Handling Tweezer
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Rice Lake 11711 Plastic Weight Handling Tweezer

For use with weights 100 g or less, our plastic tweezers keep oil and dirt residue from hands from transferring to your delicate weights. Economical and lightweight, these tweezers are an essential accessory to have on hand

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