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Doran DS4100 lightweight.Baby Scale 45 lb x 0.2 oz

Adam Equipment
Authorized Dealer
Designed for portability and accuracy, the Model DS4100 is the perfect choice for a traveling nurse or a pediatric office. Backed up by a three year warranty, the scale features a one-piece design that is sturdy and lightweight

Doran DS4100 lightweight.Baby Scale 45 lb x 0.2 oz
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Designed for portability and accuracy, the Model DS4100 is the perfect choice for a traveling nurse or a pediatric office. Backed up by a three year warranty, the scale features a one-piece design that is sturdy and lightweight.

With accuracy only found in more expensive scales, your medical staff will now be able to track even the smallest weight changes with ease.

Doran DS4100
Lightweight Baby Scale
45 lb x 0.2 oz

Doran DS4100-C Case for DS4100 or DS4050 Baby scale
Doran DS4100-C Case for DS4100 or DS4050 Baby scale, add $99.95
Doran XFR0049 Power Supply 110v UL and UlLc Approved
Doran XFR0049 Power Supply 110v UL and UlLc Approved, add $45.00
Doran XFR0059 Power Supply 230v CE Approved
Doran XFR0059 Power Supply 230v CE Approved, add $27.00


The patients weight is quickly "locked-on" and the weight is displayed in the large LCD read-out.

A beep signals that the weight has been "locked-on" allowing attention be focused on the patient, rather than the weight display. The weight remains on the display until the Zero button is pressed or the scale is turned off.

The Reweigh button, a feature unique to the Doran DS4100, zeroes the scale and reweighs the infant without removing the baby from the scale.

Model DS4100
Doran DS4100 lightweight.
Capacity x Readability 45 x 0.2 oz
20 kg x 5 g
ACCURACY +/- 0.2 oz (5 g)
SCALE DIMENSIONS 25" L x 13.75" W x 3.75" H
Infant Seat -
CONTROLS On/Off, Reweigh, LB, KG, Zero
POWER Four AA Batteries (Included)
BATTERY LIFE Two year battery life
DISPLAY 0.66" High LCD
WARRANTY Three Years
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