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Cannabis & Weed Scales

Cannabis Scales
For accurate, legal measurements of herbs, discover our selection of precision weed scales. Compact, easy-to-use, and highly accurate, these scales are perfect for personal and commercial use.

Here in the United States of America Medicinal Cannabis (medical marijuana) or Recreational Cannabis is legal in some states. One of many requirements to sell Cannabis is a Legal For Trade Scale. We put together a list of the most popalar Legal for Trade Scales that would fill the needs of selling marijuana. Not all scales will work as a dispensary scale for selling marijuana the scale must be an NTEP scale or legal for sale scale.

For accurate, legal measurements of herbs, discover our selection of precision weed scales. Compact, easy-to-use, and highly accurate, these scales are perfect for personal and commercial use.

We also have Hemp scales and CBD scales that may help in production of CBD oil out of the hemp plants.
Cannabis Scales for Dispensaries

Cannabis Scales for Dispensaries
In Retail Setting

For Legally Selling Cannabis in a Dispensaries Setting - These scales are Legal for Trade and very accurate at 0.01g or better. Some of them have can have RS232 or USB port to connect the Scale with other devices
Cannabis Scales for Dispensaries

Cannabis Scales for Wholesale
In a Wholesale Environment

For Selling Cannabis in a Wholesale Environment- Most scales are Legal for Trade and very accurate at 0.1 g or better. These scale can weigh a whole plant at once. Some of them have a Underhook. Others have a large platfom so you can put the plant directly on the scale
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One very important law in almost all States is that you will need a NTEP (Legal for Trade) Scale. We put together a list of recommended scales that are all NTEP (Legal for Trade) that meet all the necessary state regulations Click Here. One thing you should keep in mind. Lately there is allot of false NTEP (Legal for Trade) Scales out there , we do not sell any such scales you can verify the scale at the Conference on Weights and Measures web site

Cannabis Approved for 2023 In 2023 there will be new rules in most states. This will require scales to have the displayed division (d) equal the verification division (e) e=d. We will be marking scales that meet thses new requirements with a icon.

Legal fish hook scale A note about the Underhook - People ask us what the underhook is and why would I need it, also known as a Legal fish hook scale. It is a hook that attaches to the bottom or side of the scale. This will allow you to weigh big and bulky things like whole cannabis plant. This will help you meet government regulations and a better inventory control.

If you are Selling Over the Counter you will need a Legal for Trade Scale that is very accurate (0.01 g).
Here are the top two best selling Cannabis Scales for Dispensaries

Cannabis Approved for 2023

Ohaus SJX323N/E

Ohaus SJX SJX323N/E Legal

Legal for Trade
64 x 0.01 g

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Cannabis Approved for 2023


ViBRA ALE-322NC Class II

Legal for Trade
320 x 0.01 g

(POS Ready)
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Ohaus SJX1502N/E

Ohaus SJX SJX1502N/E Clas

Legal for Trade
1500 x 0.1 g

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AND Weighing FX-300iN Leg


Legal for Trade Class II
320 g x 0.01g

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Weed Store Scales

Cannabis Scales for Dispensaries (Over the Counter)

Series Ohaus
PS 1000.R2
Price From
Ohaus SJX323N/E
Cannabis Approved for 2023
A&D FX-120iN
Capacity X Readability 64 x 0.01 g 600 x 0.01 g 122 x 0.01g 1200 x 0.01g 1000 x 0.01 g
Legal for Trade Yes
Class II #16-015
Yes Yes
Class II #08-045A2
Class II
Class II
Pan Size 3.7 in Dia. 5.2 x 6.7 in 5.12 in Dia. 4.75 in Dia. 5.04 x 5.04 in
Weighing Units g, kg, ct, oz, ozt, dwt, lb, grn g, oz, lb, ozt, ct, mom, dwt, grain g, oz, lb, b-oz, ozt, ct, mom, dwt, GN, tl, tol, mes, MLT g, oz, lb, ozt, ct g, mg, kg, ct
Underhook Yes - Yes - Optional
Printer Optional - Optional - Optional
Communication Optional RS232, USB Host, USB Device, Ethernet or Bluetooth - RS232
Optional USB, Ethernet
RS232 RS232, USB
Optional Wi-Fi
Power AC Adapter
optional 4 AA batteries
AC Adapter
optional Ni-MH battery pack
AC Adapter AC Adapter AC Adapter
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Series Ohaus
Star mG-S322
Price From
Ohaus PR322N/E
Cannabis Approved for 2023
Ohaus PR322N/E
Cannabis Approved for 2023
Rice-Lake TP-6200NT
CAS Star mG-S322
Cannabis Approved for 2023
ViBRA ALE NC 322 Class II marijuana Scale
Cannabis Approved for 2023
ViBRA ALE-1501NC Class II Legal for Trade E=D Dispensary Scale 320 x 0.01 g
Cannabis Approved for 2023
Capacity X Readability 320 x 0.01g 520 x 0.01g 6200 x 0.01 g 320 x 0.01 g 320 x 0.01 g 1500 x 0.1 g
Legal for Trade YES
Class II #18-110A1
Class II #18-110A1
Class II #09-002
Class II #17-152A1
Class II #17-061A2
Class II #17-061A2
Pan Size 4.72 in Dia 4.72 in Dia 7 x 6.2 in 4.64 in Dia 4.65 in Dia 6.3 x 6.3 in
Weighing Units g, mg, ct, dwt, grain, oz, ozt g, mg, ct, dwt, grain, oz, ozt g, oz, lb, ozt, ct g, oz, lb, ct, gr g, ct, lb, oz, gr g, ct, lb, oz, gr
Underhook - - Optional - Optional Optional
Printer Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Communication RS232
Optional USB, Ethernet
Optional USB, Ethernet
RS232 RS-232C, USB, BlueTooth, POS RS-232C, USB, BlueTooth, POS
(Optional Ethernet or Relay)
Power AC Adapter AC Adapter AC Adapter AC Adapter AC Adapter AC Adapter
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Series A&D
Price From A&D GF-123AN
A&D GF-203AN
A&D GF-303AN
A&D GF-403AN
A&D GF-603AN
Mettler Toledo JL602GE/A
Capacity X Readability 120 x 0.01 g 220 x 0.01 g 320 x 0.01 g 420 x 0.01 g 620 x 0.01 g 620 x 0.01 g
Legal for Trade Yes #20-039A
Class II
Yes #20-039A
Class II
Yes #20-039A
Class II
Yes #20-039A
Class II
Yes #20-039A
Class II
Class II #15-017
Pan Size 5.00 x 5.00 in 5.00 x 5.00 in 5.00 x 5.00 in 5.00 x 5.00 in 5.00 x 5.00 in 6.29 in Dia.
Weighing Units g, oz, lb, lb-oz, ozt, ct, mom, dwt, gr, pcs, %, SG g,mg,ct,ozt,kg
Underhook - - - - - Yes
Printer Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Communication RS232, USB
Optional LAN ,Bluetooth
RS232, USB
Optional LAN ,Bluetooth
RS232, USB
Optional LAN ,Bluetooth
RS232, USB
Optional LAN ,Bluetooth
RS232, USB
Optional LAN ,Bluetooth
Power AC Adapter AC Adapter AC Adapter AC Adapter AC Adapter AC Adapter
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Series Rice Lake
Rice Lake
Adam HCB-103aM
Price From Rice Lake TE-3202
Rice Lake TE-6202
A&D FX-200iN
A&D FX-300iN
Adam HCB-302aM
Capacity X Readability 3200 x 0.01 g 6200 x 0.01 g 220 x 0.01g 320 x 0.01g 100 x 0.01g
Legal for Trade Yes
Class III
(COC 17-104)
Class III
(COC 17-104)
Class II #08-045A2
Class II #08-045A2
Class II #18-004
Pan Size 6.3 in x 7.1 in 6.3 in x 7.1 in 5.12 in Dia. 5.12 in Dia. 4.7 in Dia.
Weighing Units g, oz, lb, ozt, ct, mom, dwt, GN, tl, Tola, MSG, Bat, mg g, oz, lb, b-oz, ozt, ct, mom, dwt, GN, tl, tol, mes, MLT g, oz, lb, b-oz, ozt, ct, mom, dwt, GN, tl, tol, mes, MLT g, ct, kg, lb, oz, ozt, GN
Underhook - - Yes Yes -
Printer Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Communication RS232
Optional TCP/IP
Optional TCP/IP
Optional USB, Ethernet
Optional USB, Ethernet
USB, RS232
Power AC Adapter AC Adapter AC Adapter AC Adapter AC Adapter
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Cannabis Plant Scales in a Wholesale Environment

Series Rice Lake
Price From Rice Lake TE-Series
Ohaus EX10201N
MS12002TS/00 30133535
Ohaus PR5201N/E
Ohaus SJX1502N/E
Capacity X Readability 15000 x 0.1 g
33 x 0.001 lb
10200 x 0.1g
22 x 0.001 lb
12200 x 0.1g 5200 x 0.1g 1500 x 0.1g
Legal for Trade Yes
Class III #17-104
Class III #12-012
Yes Yes Yes
Class II #16-015
Pan Size 6.3 in x 7.1 in 7.5 x 7.9 in 7.87 x 6.69 in Ø 7.09 in 6.7 x 5.5 in
Weighing Units g, ct, lb, oz, ozt, GN, dwt, mom, MSG, TL, Bat, mg Gram, Milligram, Kilogram, Carat, Ounce, Ounce Troy, Pound, Pennyweight, Grain, Newton, Momme, Mesghal, Hong Kong Tael, Singapore Tael, Taiwan Tael, Tical, Tola, Baht, 3 Custom Units g g, kg, ct, dwt, grain, oz, ozt, lb g, kg, ct, oz, ozt, dwt, lb, grn
Underhook - YES - - YES
Printer - Optional Optional Optional Optional
Communication RS-232 & USB
Optional Network
RS-232 & USB
Optional Network
USB, RS232 RS-232
Optional USB, Network
Optional RS-232, USB, Network , Bluetooth
Power AC Adapter
AC Adapter AC Adapter AC Adapter AC Adapter
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Series Ohaus
Price From Ohaus Ranger 7000 R71MHD15
Ohaus Ranger 7000 R71MHD35
Mettler BC-6LU
Pennsylvania Scale PA-7300-20
Made in USA
A&D EK-12ki
Capacity X Readability 15000 x 1 g
30 x 0.002 lb
35000 x 1 g
70 x 0.002 lb
30000 x 1 g
70 lb x 0.2 oz
90000 x 0.5 g
20 X 0.001 lb
12000 x 1 g
Legal for Trade Yes
Class III #14-033
Class III #14-033
Class III #11-088
Class III #91-149A7
Pan Size 14.8 x 12.2 in 14.8 x 12.2 in 11.8 x 13.8 in 12 x 14 in 5.2 x 6.7 in
Weighing Units kg, g, lb, oz, lb:oz kg, g, lb, oz, lb:oz Lb, Lb-oz, Kg, g lb., kg, g, oz t, lb. t, gr, dwt, oz grams, ounces, troy ounces, carats, pennyweight, mommes, taels, grains
Underhook YES YES - - Optional
Printer Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Communication RS-232 & USB
Optional Network, I/O, 2nd Platform
USB, RS232 USB, RS232
Optional Wired Ethernet, WiFi, USB Virtual Com Port, USB HID/Keyboard Emulation and Bluetooth®
Optional I/O
Power AC Adapter AC Adapter
AC Adapter
optional Ni-MH battery pack
AC Adapter
optional Ni-MH battery pack
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Series Ohaus
Price From Ohaus R31P3
A&D GX-10001AN
Capacity X Readability 3,000 g x 1 g
6 lb x 0.002 lb
10.2 kg x 1 g 30 kg x 5 g
60 x 0.01 lb
31 kg x 1 g
Legal for Trade Yes
Class III #13-022
Yes #20-039A
Class II
Class III #04-100
Class III #21-003
Pan Size 11.8 x 8.9 in 5 x 5 in 16.5 x 20.5 in 15.2 x 13.5 in
Weighing Units kg, g, lb, oz, lb:oz g, oz, lb, lb-oz, ozt, ct, mom, dwt, gr, pcs, %, SG lb, kg g, kg, lb, oz
Underhook Optional Optional Optional Optional
Printer Optional Optional Optional Optional
Communication Optional USB, RS232, Ethernet USB, RS232, Optional Ethernet, Bluetooth RS232 RS232, Optional Ethernet
Power AC Adapter
rechargeable battery
AC Adapter AC Adapter
rechargeable battery
AC Adapter
Optional rechargeable battery
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WLC 20/A2
Cruiser CKT-16UH
Price From RADWAG WLC 20/A2
Adam Cruiser CKT
T-Scale PRW-30
Sartorius MSE70201S-000-D0
Capacity X Readability 20000 x 0.1 g 16000 x 0.1 g 30000 x 0.1 g 70200 x 0.1 g
150 x 0.0002 lb
10000 x 0.1 g
20 x 0.002 lb
Legal for Trade NO NO NO NO NO
Pan Size 7.67 x 7.67 in 8.3 x 11.8 in 14.2 x 16.2 in 11.81 x 15.74 in 9.8 x 9.8 in
Weighing Units kg, lb, N, g, ct g, kg, lb, oz, lb:oz kg,g,tj,lb,pj,hj,oz g, mg, kg, ct, lb, oz, ozt, dwt, N, lb:oz kg, lb, g,
Underhook YES YES (Optional) - - -
Printer Optional Optional Optional Optional Built-in
Communication RS-232 & USB RS-232, Optional USB RS232 USB, RS232
Optional Ethernet ,Bluetooth®
Optional USB, RS232, I/O
Power AC Adapter AC Adapter
Internal rechargeable battery
AC Adapter AC Adapter AC Adapter
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Browse the Best Weed Scales

weed scale

In cannabis cultivation or sales, having the best weed scales ensures your operation's efficiency and legality. It's crucial to consider the legal stipulations, which vary by region but generally require using cannabis scales that are certified for trade, such as those with National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) approval. These scales ensure you meet local trade laws and avoid hefty fines.

Accuracy is another critical factor. Precision in measuring small quantities can mean the difference between profit and loss. The best weed scales offer high sensitivity to ensure you're not giving away extra product

Various models cater to different needs, from portable weed scales for small growers to more robust options designed for large-scale operations. Selecting the right model involves balancing cost with features like battery life, digital readouts, ease of use and connectivity options such as Bluetooth for smart operation management.

Cannabis Scales for Commercial Use

We offer a wide variety of crane scales for sale from top brands renowned for their reliability and advanced features. Brands like Salter Brecknell, Cambridge and MSI are leaders in the industry, providing scales designed for the complexities of industrial weighing. These crane scales stand out for their wireless connectivity, enabling seamless operation and data management.
When choosing weed scales for use in retail or wholesale businesses, it's crucial to focus on features and benefits that meet your specific needs. Here's what to look for in top-quality weed-weighing scales:

  • Accuracy and Precision: Essential for ensuring you're not over or undercharging your customers. Precision scales can help maintain profitability and compliance with trade regulations.
  • NTEP Certification: Scales for weed must be NTEP certified. This certification ensures that the scales meet stringent requirements for trade use and legal compliance.
  • Durability: Well-built scales for weed can withstand the demands of frequent use, especially in a busy retail environment.
  • Ease of Use: Weed scales with user-friendly interfaces, clear displays and simple calibration settings make daily operations smoother.
  • Portability: If you need to move the scale around, lightweight and compact designs are ideal.
  • Connectivity Options: Features like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi compatibility allow easy data transfer and integration with other systems

VIDEO: How to Weigh and Divide Marijuana Tricks & Tips w/ Bogart #15

Watch a demonstration that shows how to use a digital scale to weigh marijuana.

FAQs About Weed Scales

If you're new to using weed scales, you might have questions about their use, maintenance and legality. Here are answers to some of the most common inquiries to help guide you. Please contact us if you need additional information.

How Do I Maintain My Cannabis Scale to Ensure Accuracy?

Regular calibration is key. Also, keep your scale clean and free from debris, as this can affect its sensitivity.

How Often Should I Calibrate My Scale?

This can vary depending on usage, but generally, it's good practice to calibrate your scale every few months or according to the manufacturer's guidelines.

Can I Use Any Scale for Weighing Cannabis Legally?

Not for commercial purposes. For personal use, most scales will suffice, but for business, you should use an NTEP-certified scale

Rely on Scales Galore for Accurate, Legal Weed Scales

Scales Galore has weed scales suitable for both personal and business use. All our scales meet rigorous standards, and most are NTEP-approved, ensuring compliance with trade regulations for retail and wholesale businesses. Our commitment to quality is complemented by exceptional customer service, fast shipping and reliable products that stand the test of time. Shop our weed weighing scales today and find the best one for your needs.

Need Legal for Trade Scales in Canada?

Explore weed scales that meet Measurement Canada requirements, ensuring full compliance and peace of mind in your Canadian business operations.

Order Weed Scales Today From Scales Galore Buy one today Call 800-832-0055
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