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Chatillon MT150 & MT-500 Mechanical Test Stands

Chatillon Force Gauges and Scales
The Chatillon MT-series mechanical test stands are an easy to use solution for force measurement applications up to 500 lb (2.2 Kn) capacities. Two capacities are available: 150 lb (660 N) and 500 lb (2.5 kN). Either capacity test stand can be equipped with a quick action lever or precision handwheel for controlling crosshead speed and travel. The MT Chatillon test stand can be bench mounted, wall mounted or positioned horizontally
Chatillon MT150 & MT-500 Mechanical Test Stands
Lever Operated
Chatillon MT150 & MT-500 Mechanical Test Stands
Handwheel Operated
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MT150 & MT-500
Test Stands

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MT500 Brochure

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The Chatillon MT-series mechanical test stands are an easy to use solution for force measurement applications up to 500 lb (2.2 Kn) capacities. Two capacities are available: 150 lb (660 N) and 500 lb (2.5 kN). Either capacity test stand can be equipped with a quick action lever or precision handwheel for controlling crosshead speed and travel. The MT Chatillon test stand can be bench mounted, wall mounted or positioned horizontally. Vertical clearances are available from 500mm (20") up to 1500mm (60"). The Chatillon MT mechanical test stands feature an innovative design that maximizes working space and that simplifies operation and maintenance. The single column design with 150mm (6") throat is ideal for large specimens. The removable platen is designed to accommodate metric and imperial threaded fixtures. Special gauge adapter kits simplify gauge alignment. Options include a column ruler, graduated in millimeters and inches. Analog and digital travel indicators are also available as options. Travel resolution can be displayed up to 0.01 mm (0.0005"). Note: A mechanical or digital force gauge is required for a complete system.

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The CHATILLON®MT150 Series mechanical test stand is an easy-to-use solution for force measurement applications up to 150 lbf (660N) capacities. The test stand may be equipped with a quick-action lever or precision handwheel for controlling crosshead speed and travel. The MT150 test stand can be bench mounted, wall mounted or positioned horizontally. Vertical clearances are available from 750mm (29.5 inch) up to 1500mm ( 60 inch). Standard stroke is 6 inches (150 mm).

The MT150 Series features an innovative design that maximizes working space and simplifies operation and maintenance. The single column design with 150mm (6 in) throat is ideal for large specimens. The removable platen is designed to accommodate metric and imperial threaded fixtures. Special gauge adapter make gauge alignment automatic. Options include a digital travel indicator, capable of displaying travel up to 0.01mm (0.0005 inch) and column ruler which is graduated in millimeters and inches.

The Chatillon® MT-150 and MT-500 Series mechanical test stands are an ideal solution for tensile and compression testing in either 150 lbf (660N) or 500 lbf (2500N) capacities. Combine with a Chatillon force gauge for an economical, manual testing system perfect for the production floor or lab. The MT-series mechanical test stands feature an innovative, modular design that maximizes working space while simplifying operation and maintenance. Testers may be equipped with a quick-action lever or precision handwheel for controlling crosshead speed and travel. MT Test stands can be bench mounted, wall mounted or positioned horizontally. The MT Series testers include hooks, compression plates, adapters and gauge mounting hardware.


  • Large working area
  • 6inch throat for large specimens
  • Universal fixtering ( metric and imperial )
  • Your choice of 150lb or 500lb frame capacities
  • Available in either lever or handwheel versions
  • Modular Architecture
  • Lever or Handwheel Activation
  • Multiple Column Heights (750mm, 100mm and 1500mm)
  • Horizontal, Vertical or Wall Mounting
  • Lightweight & Portable
  • 2 Year Manufacture Warranty

Chatillon MT150 & MT-500 Mechanical Test Stands
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Chatillon 1000 mm Extended Travel for MT-150
Chatillon 1000 mm Extended Travel for MT-150, add $40.00
Chatillon 1500 mm Extended Travel for MT-150
Chatillon 1500 mm Extended Travel for MT-150, add $115.00
Chatillon SPK-MT-0001 Adapter Gauge to MT150 for LG Series Force Gauge Models
Chatillon SPK-MT-0001 Adapter Gauge to MT150 for LG Series Force Gauge Models, add $99.00
Chatillon SPK-MT-0002 Adapter DFIS, DPPH Series Force Gauge Model
Chatillon SPK-MT-0002 Adapter DFIS, DPPH Series Force Gauge Model, add $232.20

Chatillon Wall Mount Adapter for MT-Series
Chatillon Wall Mount Adapter for MT-Series, add $181.00
Chatillon Digital Travel Indicator for MT-Series
Chatillon Digital Travel Indicator for MT-Series, add $688.00
Chatillon Ruler Assembly for MT-Series
Chatillon Ruler Assembly for MT-Series, add $178.00

Chatillon 1000 mm Extended Travel for MT-500
Chatillon 1000 mm Extended Travel for MT-500, add $42.33
Chatillon 1500 mm Extended Travel for MT-500
Chatillon 1500 mm Extended Travel for MT-500, add $161.00
Chatillon SPK-MT-0004 Adapter Gauge to MT500 for DF Series
Chatillon SPK-MT-0004 Adapter Gauge to MT500 for DF Series, add $225.00
Chatillon SPK-MT-0001 Adapter Gauge to MT150 for LG Series Force Gauge Models
Chatillon SPK-MT-0001 Adapter Gauge to MT150 for LG Series Force Gauge Models, add $99.00
Chatillon SPK-MT-0002 Adapter DFIS, DPPH Series Force Gauge Model
Chatillon SPK-MT-0002 Adapter DFIS, DPPH Series Force Gauge Model, add $232.20
Chatillon SPK-MT-0005 Adapter for DG Series to MT150 and MT500
Chatillon SPK-MT-0005 Adapter for DG Series to MT150 and MT500, add $198.90

Shipping Weight: 30 lbs

  MT150L-S-X-B-X MT150L-E-X-B-X MT150L-U-X-B-X MT150H-S-X-B-X MT150H-E-X-B-X MT150H-U-X-B-X






Capacity 150 lb (660 N) 150 lb (660 N) 150 lb (660 N) 150 lb (660 N) 150 lb (660 N) 150 lb (660 N)
Loading Method Quick Action Lever Quick Action Lever Quick Action Lever Handwheel Handwheel Handwheel
Travel Rates Lever: 75 mm (3 in) per revolution Handwheel: 12 mm (0.5 in per revolution)
Column Height Standard: 750 mm (29.5 in) Extended: 1000 mm (39.4 in) Ultra: 1500 mm (59 in) Standard: 750 mm (29.5 in) Extended: 1000 mm (39.4 in) Ultra: 1500 mm (59 in)
Full Crosshead Travel 150 mm (6 in)
Throat 150 mm (6 in)
Maximum Stroke 150 mm (6 in)

  MT500L-S-X-B-X MT500L-E-X-B-X MT500L-U-X-B-X MT500H-S-X-B-X MT500H-E-X-B-X MT500H-E-X-B-X






Capacity 150 lb (660 N) 150 lb (660 N) 150 lb (660 N) 150 lb (660 N) 150 lb (660 N) 150 lb (660 N)
Loading Method Quick Action Lever Quick Action Lever Quick Action Lever Handwheel Handwheel Handwheel
Travel Rates Lever: 75 mm (3 in) per revolution Handwheel: 12 mm (0.5 in per revolution)
Column Height Standard: 750 mm (29.5 in) Extended: 1000 mm (39.4 in) Ultra: 1500 mm (59 in) Standard: 750 mm (29.5 in) Extended: 1000 mm (39.4 in) Ultra: 1500 mm (59 in)
Full Crosshead Travel 150 mm (6 in)
Throat 150 mm (6 in)
Maximum Stroke 150 mm (6 in)
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