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Detecto 495 Mechanical Wheelchair Scale

Detecto 495 mechanical wheelchair scale provides the economical answer to weighing patients in wheelchairs. Quality is enhanced by a precision die-cast weighing beam which is easily read from either side. The weight beam is located at a height above the platform where patient or attendant can perform the patient weighing operation. Detecto medical scales are made in the USA

D-495 Detecto Mechanical Wheelchair Scale
  Price: $2270.66


Shipping Weight: 255 lbs
(oversized container)


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Detecto 495 stationary mechanical wheelchair scales provide the economical answer to the weighing of patients in wheelchairs. Its quality is inherited from Detecto's eye-level physician scale and incorporates a precision die cast weigh beam which is easily read from either side. The weigh beam is located at a height above the platform where the patient or attendant can perform the weighing operation. The ramp is removable and is covered with a non-skid mat. The die-cast, dual-sided beam is graduated in 1/4 lb (or .1 kg) increments for easy readability.

Customers specializing in the care of nonambulatory patients provided information which was transferred into features and benefits of these scales, evident the first time you use the scale!


  • Platform: 30" L x 26" W x 2" H with nonskid mat removable on ramp.
  • Capacity: 350 lbs x 4 oz
  • Die cast, dual sided beam graduated in 1/4 lb increments - can be read from either side.
  • Padded handrail for ambulatory patients
  • Platform is designed to accommodate all wheelchair sizes
  • Ramp is designed for a smooth approach and exit

D-495 Detecto Wheelchair Scales
Precision die-cast weighing beam is
readable from both sides

Detecto scales are made in the USA
Detecto medical scales are made in the USA

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